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Coaching content for your intranet
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Hands holding pen

​Internal communication and HR teams are under great pressure to engage colleagues with meaningful content that will help them feel valued and listened to.


But without a coach on your team, how do you tackle the knotty problems that your colleagues are facing in their roles? Those issues that impact on your engagement scores, your retention rate and, ultimately, your organisation’s success.​


Coach your employees with a series of Q&A articles. Choose from a library of content that covers common career and wellbeing challenges, or opt for articles tailored specifically to your organisation.

How do you support:


  • The line manager unsure of how to handle a direct report who’s not meeting targets?

  • The team member who feels bullied and singled out?

  • The middle manager who is overloaded andclose to burnout?

  • The long serving employee who’s feeling jaded and overlooked?

  • Or the new starter who is wondering whether they’re in the right role?


Regular coaching content

My unique approach combines proven coaching techniques and internal comms content to:


  • Address issues that keep repeating in staff surveys

  • Reassure colleagues that they are listened to

  • Provide support that will help others in similar situations

  • Empower your teams to take ownership of their own career journey


Targeted to your needs 

Designed to help you work towards some of your most important targets (and save you time), opt for quarterly or monthly content to support your employees in the most effective way for you.

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